Fans Have Found A Secret Website

Earlier today, fans reported finding a game of Hangman on the back of the interactive map on JIMMY's official website. Visitors must win the game in order to reveal a "secret passcode." Letter hints were added to the front of the map to assist fans attempting to decipher the message. After sharing more leaked footage of his recent poor quality magic shows, Poindexter instructed fans to "crack the code" via his Instagram story.
crack the code
— JIMMY (@jimmythepndxtr) November 8, 2023
After winning the game and receiving a passcode, fans have found that clicking JIMMY's signature reveals a module to enter the passcode. Entering the code correctly has given fans early access to a new webpage on a new url. This new website has a timer on it that appears to be counting down to some time this Friday, November 10th. The magician hinted at this date previously via the toll-free number (833)-3SHAZAM that he's shared for the past week when callers pressed "2 for a clue." Fans speculate this timer is for a new musical project. Poindexter has played his cards close to heart since his recent sudden departure from music. We can only wait and see what happens next.
Aside from the new site, new modules can be found on JIMMY's official website including two for his previous albums *GHETTOLAND & GNARLY. Visitors can now also access all of the voicemails that have been left on the magician's toll-free number on the (833)-3SHAZAM module. A new 4th option has been added to the number giving callers the option to call or text message Eve.
After recently promoting a toll-free number, fans & customers in Southern California have began leaking footage of what appears to be Jimmy Poindexter's embarrassing first performances as a magician on Instagram. In three clips, we see Poindexter attempting to perform tricks before being booed at events. In all three clips, he appears heavily frustrated before exiting the events. Unfortunately, it appears JIMMY is not as naturally talented at performing magic tricks as he is creating music. The magician shows no signs of going back on his decision as he continues to share the flyer promoting his magic show.
I may have made a mistake 😔
— JIMMY (@jimmythepndxtr) November 7, 2023
Last week, JIMMY began sharing flyers written in big bold letters that stated JIMMY is a "magician for hire" at birthdays, events & workshops for only $13/hr. The flyer also shares a toll-free number (833)-3SHAZAM. Fans who've called the number have reported that customers can book JIMMY for a magic show or leave a review for his magic show performance. They also report that if you press option 2, you'll hear a voice say "11/10" before a snippet of hold music plays. Some fans have called in support of his transition while others have bombarded the line with angry messages urging JIMMY to return to music. Although no signs currently indicate JIMMY is releasing new musical material, fans are convinced this is just a stunt for publicity. Either way, the artist-turned-magician has got people talking. We can only wait and see what happens next.
One week ago JIMMY shared that he'd be stepping away from music following an emotional breakdown the week before on his subscribers-only Instagram live. The announcement came just after JIMMY shared that he was working on another new album a few months ago. He was also documenting the process in real-time for viewing on his own self-made platform Zulak.
Have you visited the new website? What do you think the countdown timer is for? Sound off in the comments below.
Check out the last two interviews with JIMMY for his last two projects *GHETTOLAND and DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY here.